Annual Meeting:
On Sunday February 23rd we will have a pot-luck following the service. After the pot-luck we will meet for our Annual Meeting.
February is Alabaster Month. Sunday, February 23rd, is Alabaster Sunday. Don't forget to bring your Alabaster boxes to church!
9:45-10:30 am- Sunday School for All Ages
10:45-12:00 pm- Worship Service
3:00 pm- Senior Adult Bible Study @ Hill-Ray Plaza. Address: 801 S Vista Point Dr, Colfax WA
6:30 pm- Devotional and Prayer Hour
8:00 am- Sit and Sip Fellowship Gathering at McDonald's in Pullman. Address: 1620 S Grand Ave, Pullman, WA
9:00 am- Men's Prayer Meeting
Fifth Sunday of the Month Pot-Lucks
Paper Products are Collected and Taken to the Food Bank on the First Sunday of the Month